Category: Uncategorized

Congratulations to Ruth Sudsbury who took home $ 380. Pot for next week starts at $ 10,000.00

Draw Date: September 7, 2018
Total sales: $1900
Weekly prize of 20%: $380
30% added to Jackpot $570
Guaranteed Jackpot : $10,000.00
Winner: Ruth Sudsbury
Sold at: Kensington Petro-Can
Card drawn:  4 of Clubs
Winning ticket: F-190302
46 cards remaining

Congratulations to Stephen Surette who took home $ 486. Pot for next week starts at $ 10,000.00

Draw Date: August 31, 2018
Total sales: $2430
Weekly prize of 20%: $486
30% added to Jackpot $729.00
Guaranteed Jackpot : $10,000.00
Winner: Stephen Surette
Card drawn:  8 of Diamonds
Winning ticket: E-513076
47 cards remaining

Congratulations to Barbara Doughart & Gayle Murphy who took home $ 461.00. Pot for next week starts at $ 10,000.00

Draw Date: August 24, 2018
Total sales: $2305.00
Weekly prize of 20%: $461.00
30% added to Jackpot $691.50
Guaranteed Jackpot : $10,000.00
Winners: Barbara Doughart & Gayle Murphy
Sold at: Kensington Petro-Can
Card drawn: King of Clubs
Winning ticket: D-262508
48 cards remaining

Congratulations to Joyce Sudsbury who took home $ 434.00. Pot for next week starts at $ 10,000.00

Draw Date: August 17, 2018
Total sales: $2170.00
Weekly prize of 20%: $434.00
30% added to Jackpot $651.00
Guaranteed Jackpot : $10,000.00
Winner: Joyce Sudsbury
Sold at : Foodbasket/ Save Easy
Card drawn:  6 of Hearts
Winning ticket: C-209783
49 cards remaining

Come to the Fire Hall on Saturday, August 25, 2018 to help celebrate our 50th!

Agenda of Events
8:30 am                     Official Start: Doors open to the Public
8:30 am – 2:30 pm      Show & Shine Truck Display Competition
9:00 am                     Firefighter Memorial Service
9:45-11:30 am            Pancake Breakfast
11:00 am – 6:00 pm    Kids Bouncy Houses
12:00 – 5:00 pm         Barbecue Lunch
12:30 pm                   Fire Extinguisher Demonstration
1:30 pm                     Jaws of Life Demonstration #1
2:00 – 4:00 pm           Live Entertainment
2:30 pm                     Fire Streams for Kids
2:30 pm                     Thermal Imaging Camera Demonstration
3:00 pm                     Show & Shine Truck Display Competition Awards
3:15pm                       Fire Truck Parade to Stanley Bridge River Days
4:00 pm                     Jaws of Life Demonstration #2

50th Anniv Agenda Poster

New London Fire Company will send a Fire Truck Parade at 3:15pm on Saturday, August 25 to the River Days Festival in Stanley Bridge, PEI as part of our 50th Anniversary Celebration.

We look forward to waving to many in the community along the route!

Please also come out to the River Days Festival – more details here: River Days Festival Stanley Bridge PEI

Congratulations to Carol Henderson who took home $ 428.00 after the 3 of Spades was pulled. Pot for next week starts at $ 10,000.00

Draw Date: August 10, 2018
Total sales: $2140.00
Weekly prize of 20%: $428.00
30% added to Jackpot $642.00
Guaranteed Jackpot : $10,000.00
Winner: Carol Henderson
Sold at : Drive Thru
Card drawn: 3 of Spades
Winning ticket: B-485021
50 cards remaining

Congratulations to Mike MacIsaac who took home $ 370.00 after the 5 of Diamonds was pulled. Pot for next week starts at $ 10,000.00

Draw Date: August 3, 2018
Total sales: $1850.00
Weekly prize of 20%: $370.00
30% added to Jackpot $555.00
New Starting Jackpot : $10,000.00
Winner: Mike MacIsaac
Sold at : Kensington Petro Can
Card drawn: 5 of Diamonds
Winning ticket: A-566149
51 cards remaining

After a short break in July, we will start a new Chase the Ace draw, with the first draw happening tonight,  August 3rd.

Tonight only, the draw will happen at the New London Fire Hall, 10659 Route 6, New London, PE. Doors open and ticket sales from 7:30pm-9:00pm. The draw happens just after 9pm.

The Pot for August 3rd has a guaranteed minimum of $ 10,000.00.

Come join the fun!

We will take a break for most of July

Ticket sales begin July 28th
The next draw will be August 3rd
Pot for August 3rd has a guaranteed minimum of $ 10,000.00.