
RULES as of 6/2/2017:

1. An initial pot may be funded by the NLCC and NLFC

2. The Draw Location will usually be the New London Community Complex (10227 Rte 6, New London, PE), unless an event requires it be moved to the NLFC Fire House (10659 Rte 6, New London, PE)

3. The Draw Time is every Friday night just after 9pm.
4. Tickets are $5 each
5. Tickets are available in advance at various locations (see below), online (see below), and at the Draw Location on the night of the draw from 7:30pm-9pm.
6. Ticket are available in advance via ’sign-up sheets’ at the following locations and times and also the night of the draw up until 9pm.
From the following businesses, during their regular hours:
RaceTrac Gas, Stanley Bridge
PetroCan, K’town
New London Community Complex
Malpeque Bay Credit Union
Bethany’s K-9 Cuts, K’town
Irving New Annan
From the following businesses, during limited hours:
Food Basket, K’town, Wednesday 5:30-7:30
Drive Thru: Monahan Farms, Route 2, Friday 4:30-6:30
Save Easy / Independent, K’town, Friday 5:30-7:30
From the following individuals:
Neil Blackett
Faith Barnes
Lynda Sudsbury
Clayton Smith
John MacIsaac
Allen Cole
Locations may be added or removed.

Each location will have a cutoff time, typically before 7:30pm on Friday nights.

Ticket Purchasers of advance tickets write their name and phone number on the ’sign-up sheets’, including ditto marks on successive lines (“) for multiple ticket purchases. We will process the sheets before the draw, adding a ticket number and attaching 1/2 of the actual ticket to the sheet. The matching half of the ticket goes in the draw barrel.

If you wish to see your ticket, you may do so after the draw is complete. Please let personnel know before the draw occurs if you want to see it on Draw Night, or by mutually agreed time within 2 weeks after the Draw Time.
 7. Ticket are available online at for an additional sales fee up until their stated cutoff time.
Ticket Purchasers of online tickets enter their name and phone number on the online order form. We will process the online sales before the draw, adding a ticket number and attaching 1/2 of the actual ticket for each ticket sold. The matching half of the ticket goes in the draw barrel.

If you wish to see your ticket, you may do so after the draw is complete. Please let personnel know before the draw occurs if you want to see it on Draw Night, or by mutually agreed time within 2 weeks after the Draw Time.

8. Ticket are available on-site. If you purchase a ticket on-site but wish to leave before draw time, you must leave your ticket with sales personnel who will attach it to a sheet with your name and phone number. If you purchase a ticket on-site and wish to hold on to it, you must be present within 5 minutes of the Draw to win. If you leave and do not return within 5 minutes of the Draw, another ticket will be drawn and your ticket will be cancelled and you forfeit your rights to any prize. If you need to leave, leave your ticket behind with us or a trusted person.
9. Once sales are closed, a ticket is pulled and the winning ticket holder receives 20% of the weekly sales since the previous draw night.

10. 30% of sales go to increase the pot (the remaining 50% of sales, minus expenses, goes to the charities (NL Complex and NLFC)).

11. The winning ticket holder (or usually the Fire Chief in the ticket holder’s absence) pulls a card from the deck of cards. If the Ace of Spades is pulled, they win the pot.

12. If the Ace of Spades is not pulled by the winning ticket holder, the pulled card is removed and destroyed, and the remaining deck is kept secure until next week. Week after week the remaining deck gets smaller and thus the chances to pull the Ace of Spades are greater.

13. Tickets are sold for cash only; winners may receive prize money by electronic transfer, check, or cash, at the discretion of the organizers.