Congratulations to Edward Culleton who took home $616.00 after the 8 of Diamonds was pulled. Pot for next week starts at $ 14,710.50. Estimated Pot for next week: $ 15,700.
To all who have played our Chase the Ace over the last few years, please come out and feel our appreciation on Friday March 2nd for a great night of fun, munchies, and the chance for someone to take home the big prize !!
The event is 7-9pm at the New London Community Complex (NLCC) and is sponsored by the New London Fire Company and NLCC. No admission cost and no purchase required.
Congratulations to Paul MacMurdo who took home $560.00 after the 7 of Spades was pulled. Pot for next week starts at $ 12,840.00. Estimated Pot for next week: $ 13,700.
Draw Date: February 16, 2018
Total sales: $ 2800.00
Weekly prize of 20%: $ 560.00
30% added to Jackpot $ 840.00
New Jackpot : $ 12,840.00
Winner: Paul MacMurdo
Sold at : New London Community Complex
Card drawn: 7 of Spades
Winning ticket: R-238545
35 cards remaining
Congratulations to Everett Simmonds who took home $584.00 after the 5 of Hearts was pulled. Pot for next week starts at $ 12,000.00. Estimated Pot for next week: $ 13,000.
Draw Date: February 9, 2018
Total sales: $ 2920.00
Weekly prize of 20%: $ 584.00
30% added to Jackpot $ 876.00
New Jackpot : $ 12,000.00
Winner: Everett Simmonds
Sold at : Petro Can
Card drawn: 5 of Hearts
Winning ticket: Q-258486
36 cards remaining
Congratulations to Ron Gill who took home $ 594.00 after the Jack of Clubs was pulled. Pot for next week starts at $ 10,392.00.
Draw Date: January 26th,2018
Total sales: $ 2970.00
Weekly prize of 20%: $ 594.00
30% added to Jackpot $ 891.00
New Jackpot : $ 10,392.00
Winner: Ron Gill
Sold at : New London Complex
Card drawn: Jack of Clubs
Winning ticket: O-203071
38 cards remaining
Congratulations to Wendy Stavert who took home $ 520.00 after the 5 of Clubs was pulled. Pot for next week starts at $ 9,501.00.
Draw Date: January 19th,2018
Total sales: $ 2600.00
Weekly prize of 20%: $ 520.00
30% added to Jackpot $ 780.00
New Jackpot : $ 9,501.00
Winner: Wendy Stavert
Sold at : The Kensington Petro Can
Card drawn: 5 of Clubs
Winning ticket: N-287536
39 cards remaining
Congratulations to Kevin Gillian and Melissa Hennessey who took home $ 540.00 after the 8 of Hearts was pulled. Pot for next week starts at $ 8721.00.
Draw Date: January 12th, 2018
Total sales: $ 2700.00
Weekly prize of 20%: $ 540.00
30% added to Jackpot $ 810.00
New Jackpot : $ 8721.00
Winner: Kevin Gillian & Melissa Hennessey
Sold at : The New Annan Irving
Card drawn: 8 of hearts
Winning ticket: M-565405
40 cards remaining